Three days of intensive exchange, profitable contacts and an exciting lecture program: that was Nordstil summer 2024. Around 9,000 visitors discovered exciting products for autumn, winter and Christmas from 581 exhibitors for their stores in Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands and Italy (top 6 visitor countries). "Time itself is a valuable good. Especially in economically challenging times, inspiring products, exciting ranges and emotional stories are the be-all and end-all at the point of sale. Nordstil provides just that - from gourmet delights and ideas for a beautiful home to tasteful gifts," says Philipp Ferger, Vice President Consumer Goods Fairs, Messe Frankfurt. "Over the past three days, it has become clear that the desire for personal contact is unbroken. Nordstil stands for both - this and its unique combination of products", continued Ferger.

Key days for business success
Christian Haeser, Managing Director of the German Trade Association Handelsverband Wohnen und Büro, describes Nordstil as an important place for business inspiration: "Nordstil is of great importance to me as it offers an incomparable platform, especially for current trends in style and design. I was particularly impressed by the diverse and innovative design products that I was able to discover. The direct exchange with designers and experts enabled our retailers to expand their network and gather new ideas. Overall, the trade fair once again exceeded my expectations and provided me with lasting inspiration for my work".
Trade visitors characterized by high quality and efficiency
"Nordstil is a stable trade fair that has developed very well. We have tried out many trade fairs and decided on the ones that offer us the best range; that's why we are at Nordstil. Here we meet quality visitors and reliable business partners who know how to run a store. It is also a gateway to trade buyers from Denmark and Sweden," says Philip Ahlström, General Manager, TheMoshi, Sweden. Till Harrendorf, Managing Director, Theodor Maass, Germany, also emphasizes that trade fairs are indispensable, especially in challenging times: "Every well-managed store is alluring through its appearance at the point of sale - trade fairs are crucial for this. Many trade visitors come to Nordstil to find new products and find out what's on retailers' minds. We are satisfied with how the trade fair went.

Sustainability as a winner in challenging times
In uncertain times, the demand for high-quality products with a sustainable approach continues to rise. Sustainable production aspects can be decisive for business, especially in the process of developing new products. "We are very grateful that we cannot confirm the downward trend in the market. Buyers appreciate our range of traditional craftsmanship and high-quality products. We very much welcome the fact that Nordstil has introduced the Ethical Style program, because it is very important to give the customer guidance and take some of the work off their hands. Through the program, visitors recognize: This is the right place for me; here I am safe with my investments," says Aase Öjbro, Managing Director, Öjbro & Vantfabrik, Norway. The Ethical Style by Nordstil program, launched in 2024, promotes the visibility of suppliers in this field and gives trade visitors guidance for a more sustainable point of sale. With selected products from the program participants, visitors found inspiration for the presentation of sustainable product ranges at two themed Ethical Style Spots in Hall B1.EG.
The idea of sustainability also determines other aspects of Nordstil summer: the plant decorations for the exhibition halls will be donated to the Jugendsozialarbeit Schanzenviertel e.V. to spread joy in its Café Eins.
Entering fall and winter with ease
The exhibitors at Nordstil summer stood out with many new products and colorful Christmas decorations, with two styles emerging: Bright colors meet pastel minimalism, futuristic shapes meet natural designs. On the one hand, warm yellow tones, violet variations and peach notes with pink highlights evoke memories of the 70s. On the other hand, muted colors such as blue, brown, grey and green paired with off-white create harmony in the living area - pastels combine both trends. Natural prints and floral motifs catch the eye alongside asymmetrical shapes - maritime motifs reflect the longing for moments by the sea. Surfaces with traces of craftsmanship and natural materials such as wood, ceramics, linen or wool underline the ongoing megatrend of sustainability. These trends reflect a feeling of lightness, created by a colorful connection to nature.
The Nordstil winter will take place from 11 to 13 January 2025.
The next Nordstil summer will take place from 26 to 28 July 2025.
Information for journalists: Further details and photographic material of Nordstil can be found at
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